Perspectives in Bioenergetics 2023

“Perspectives in Bioenergetics” is a symposium organized by the Study Group Bioenergetics of the German Biochemical Society (Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie, GBM, While our previous study group meeting in 2021 could only take place online due to the Corona pandemic, we are now looking forward to a face-to-face meeting in Rauischholzhausen. “Perspectives in Bioenergetics 2023” will bring together scientists on all career stages to discuss mechanisms of energy conversion in mitochondria, chloroplasts and microbes, as well as their implications for medical and technical applications.

We gratefully acknowledge financial support by the GBM and SFB 1507 (Membrane-associated protein assemblies, machineries, and supercomplexes) as well as administrative support by ibcII at Goethe University Medical School.


GBM Keynote Speaker

Kevin Redding - Arizona State University

Confirmed speakers

Name Institution
Alfredo Cabrera-Orefice Goethe University Frankfurt
Ulrich Brandt Radboud University Nijmegen
Hans-Peter Braun Leibniz University Hannover
Günter Fritz University of Hohenheim
Michael Hippler University of Münster
Carola Hunte Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
Werner Kühlbrandt Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt
Hartmut Michel Max Planck Institute of Biophysics, Frankfurt
Volker Müller Goethe University Frankfurt
Dennis Nürnberg Free University Berlin
Till Rudack University of Regensburg
Jonathan Schiller Goethe University Frankfurt
Jan Schuller Philipps University Marburg
Jörg Simon Technical University of Darmstadt