Registration Details:
The registration fee is 190 € for all participants (including speakers, chairs and organizers). Unfortunately, no reimbursement is possible.
Deadline for registration: August, 31th, 2023.
Early registration is recommended because the number of available rooms is limited.
Please note that your registration will be confirmed by email. With this email you will receive information for bank transfer of the registration fee (no credit cards, no paypal etc). The registration fee includes accomodation (two nights at conference site), meals, coffee and access to all sessions. Please pay your registration fee without delay.
A limited number of double rooms is available. Please indicate below if you would like to share a double room or would agree to do so in case that the conference is overbooked.
Please indicate below if you plan to present a poster. Deadline for abstract submission is August, 31st,2023. Your abstract can be uploaded in pdf format and should not exceed one page. Abstracts will not be published. The maximal dimensions for posters are 150 cm x 120 cm (height x width). We can offer space for 30 posters which will be distributed on a first-come-first-serve basis. We will select a few short talks from abstracts and the best posters will be awarded a prize.
At this stage no special Corona rules are enforced. As a courtesy to your colleagues we ask you to do an antigen test before arrival (voluntary, no control).